Thursday 9 May 2013

The origin of races

We received many emails from our fans asking to expose our views on different ethnicity. Well, we are happy to tell you that races do not really exist. Not because biologists say so but because we know it so. Unfortunately it was not provided by Anonymous but it's based on logical assumptions.

We are just discussing physical traits and we know that the difference in physical appearance does not affect a behavior. People act according to their culture not according to their appearances. When you say you don't like someone, you are saying that you do not like what he does, his thoughts. But his thoughts are expressed in his body so you think you also hate what he looks like but if that same person was being nice to you you would say "You are beautiful". Physical appearances doesn't dictate if someone is nice, mean, smart, gay... The body is completely neutral(You are the king of your body and what you think will affect your body, if you are happy you will become beautiful and people will start being attracted to you. If you are depressed you become ugly and people will start avoiding you. In other words no one is actually racist, people just hate the behavior of one culture and assimilates it into their physical appearance. If people live in the same culture, they can't be racist as they share the same behaviour. Red haired and hairy dark haired people both live in England despite the fact they ado not belong to the same race there is no instance of racism. Once cultural identity is forgotten racism disappears and the physical features become a simple variance of the whole group.

First you have to understand that all the content included in anthropology and paleontology textbooks are very inaccurate. Scientists did not have enough genetic sample from the human race to reconstitute the course of human history. Many countries in Africa are unsecured due to civil war which prevent scientific investigation. Most of the fossils that have been found by paleontologists belong to genus that coexisted with humans. Saying a 400,000 year old humanoid skull was our ancestor is comparable to our descendants in 25 000 AD saying that gorilla fossils found in Central Africa were the first humans and they rapidly evolved into homo sapiens 4 000 years later. The process of evolution is slower than we think and the fossils uncovered were just humanoids that coexisted with our ancestors. The human race itself is older than 500,000 years old. 100, 000 years isn't enough to produce the diversity we know today. So, as we announced the good news the concept of race in human in erroneous, most of the races(in a social point, not biological) classified today are just based on pigmentation. We will give the new definition of race to be the difference in morphological trait and not pigmentation. Groups can be of the same morphological features but of different pigmentation. It only takes 20,000 years for the darkest pigmentation to turn into the lightest pigmentation. In other words for a grey skin(black) to turn into a pale pink(white)skin?  The pink is explains by the visibility of the veins. The blue too can be noticed due to the vessels. Dark people turn red too when angry or laughing but it remains unnoticed. The vessels and veins system is the same for all people on Earth.
The illusion of pink due to blood vessels
We will give an insight on Eurasian and African features. North America was first inhabited by humans 10,000 years ago people never crossed the ice bridge but indeed used canoes when ice receded. North America was conquered from Siberia, but also Pacific Islanders conquered North America through the northeast coast.

There should be as many human variations as there are different ecosystems. Humans are everywhere except Antarctica. They only live in the coastline for Greenland. But there isn't enough variety as expected as humans migrate and kill the inhabited found in the new colonized areas.

Reconstitution of Neanderthal man
Quick summary of human: The birthplace of humans is in Africa and humans started to migrate out of Africa more than 500,000 year. Those whole left Africa before were not evolved enough and where just transitions between human and ape. Some remnants are still alive today in Eastern Europe and North America. Some others are very old species. Those specimens called "bigfoot" refer to different types of humanoids. Some more human  and some more ape. Some are just big gorillas. We can also hear of "Yeti" in Himalaya and other human-like in Indonesia and Africa.  

Those early humanoids could adapt to the extreme cold conditions. Those who left Europe later are still alive today and present among Arabics, Indians and some in Africans. The distinctive features are very thick eyebrow, small forehead, small chin, robust, no buttock, small skull, huge nose and a lot of hair.

 These are the earliest known humans. As Africa is the birthplace of mankind we also find the most advanced humans there.In other words the path that all humans were heading to if all of them never left the continent. There are characterized with a huge head, huge chin, almost no hair, flat face, very slim, huge buttock. They still live in Southern Africa because this area was protected by the Kalahari desert before being invaded by the Bantu some centuries ago. They are known as "Bushmen" or "khoisan, San, Gwi, Xam, !Kung". They speak with clicks.

San never use minerals so we can't say they're living in the stone age

 Pygmies of Central Africa are not a single race but many variations from different times of migration waves. As we were saying physical differences are linked environmental differences. An inhabitant of the desert should be tall, thin and dark.Sudanese represent the best known example of desert dwellers. We can cite Dinka tribes for examples.

 Adaptation to tropical rain forest give rise to short individuals dark if sunlight is present and light if no sunlight penetrate the canope. It only takes 20,000 years to go from tall(desert) to small(pygmy).
Aka tribes

We won't give e review on pygmies as the subject is too broad
and as there  are many varations. It only takes 10000years to become
pygmy. Chinese were on the path of being pygmy due to their forested

People must understand that more than 70% of the world population originates from Northern Central Asia from the last 20,000 years. One gig group the Eurasians; ancestors of the Arabic, Indians... and the Siberians(ancestors of the Asians(chinese, malay, thai), American Indian...)To summarize there was a high peak of glaciation 20,000 years ago that push the communities to move southward.
Pigmentation as a way to measure years. The grey pigmentation corresponds to 20,000 years when brown corresponds to 10,000 years, red to 8000 years yellow to 5000 years and slightly dark to 2,500 years. All those times correspond to different climatic changes and during all those times those living in the cold areas exterminated those who lived in the warm areas.
20, 000 years ago the peak if the ice age pushed blond communities of Europe to move towards East Africa and Arabia. Blond hair and blue eyes is the adaptation to icy areas, today it is limited to Northern Europe. The Red sea didn't exist yet but there was just a small depression caused by the divering plates. 20,000  years ago, black hair but light skin communities from Central Asia moved towards South Asia giving rise to the ancestors of Sri Lankans and other dark skinned Indians.
Area under ice 20 000 years ago
Siberia was not under ice which explains why Eurasians have dark hair.

 Domestication was not practised yet. 10,000 years ago a big climatic change perhaps caused by a pole shift caused an increase in solar radiations which resulted in the melting of ice and glaciers(himalaya, Andes, Alpes...) and rising of waters. The ice that was 2km high and the melting of the ice sheets across Western Europe, Andes, North America, South Africa...resulted in a rising of sea level of 120 m. The waters could go as far as 2000 kms inland in Europe. The Black sea, the Great Lakes and the Hudson bat were born.
the continent shelves were emerged land 10,000 years ago

Notice on the map the land that were flooded, Mauritius was much more bigger, South China too. There were only volcanic islands. Today most of the islands are the result of lands that were submerged 10,000 years ago. The diversity is the same on those islands depending on the degree of extinction. Old Volcanic islands are the one that have unique diversity. Soqotra next to Yemen still have some species that lived 10,000 years ago but went extinct on the main island we can still appreciate the flora of the Pleistocene there. Millions of people died out 10,000 BC.

The Mediterranean sea became bigger flooding the numerous islands connecting Europe to Africa, the Red Sea was formed, the British Isles were separated from Europe and Northern Europe and the rest of Europe were no longer one. The great lakes in Canada formed as well as numerous lakes in northern Europe due to the melting of the glaciers. The Bering strait was formed. The volcanic islands in the Caribbean became smaller. Florida became smaller and the gulf of Mexico became bigger. Southern America became smaller and many islands were formed due to the flood. The tip of southern Africa was flooded  and Robben Island was fromed. Sri Lanka became separated from India, Indonesia a single land became many island and the same occurred for Philippines. These changes caused definitive mass extinctions in areas where ecosystem were built around ice. mammoth, wooly rhino, megaloceros European and north American lions, saber-toothed etc all died. Note: Humans were not behind those extinctions. When there is a change in climate therefore ecosystems, it is usually megafauna that suffers the most due to the lack of resources. If big mammals disappear, big predators disapear too and its a whole food web that is destroyed. It also explains why the dinosaurs died when small mamals and reptiles survives, while bisons and wolves almost disappeared in North America while squirrels and mice proliferate. Why elephants, rhino and lions ar ereuced in Africa when birds and insects are abundant. Large mammals are very vulnerable because they need a large territory and it takes longer for them to reproduce. Humans migrated again from these areas to the south giving rise to the brown skinned people. The ancestors of Indians, Ethiopians; A few of them are still present in Phillipines and Indonesia. 5000 year ago the same occurred, those from the colds invaded those in the warm giving rise to Arabic, Berbers, Chinese, Thai...Dark hair and light skin is the adaptation that corresponds to the climate of Northern Central Asia. However Eastern Africa became less reachable due to the widening of the Mediterranean sea and the drying of Sahara[Sahara was fertile 10 000 years ago. The global cooler climate of the planet produced more ice in higher altitudes and more water in tropics. If global temperatures changes, the property of water change, ice becomes water and water becomes vapor(which is a greenhouse gaz that induce global warming(positive feeback).
Blond people original inhabitants of glacial areas
There are many races under a same pigmentation. Races in Blond would be curly hair, dark blue different shape of the face vs straight hair light blue different facial features
Red-hair original inhabitants of Britain
Red-hair and brown-hair people are just ancient blond hair
whose icy area turned temperate thus blond hair turning
brown or red.

The native of France are still alive and can be found in "Pays Basques" very short, dark hair and hairy. We know the following with the Viking etc.

In summary: The ancestors of Somalian, Ethiopians came to Africa from Europe 20,000 years ago and 10, 000 years ago they are indeed just dark Europeans. They have adapted the adaptations of the desert with their very thin features they have migrated towards the south recently. Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda.
10 000 year brown skin European(Somalian)

20 000 years dark European(somalian)

The ancestors of dark Indians and Sri Lankans came from Central Asia 20,000 years ago. They are indeed just dark Eurasians.
20 000 year dark skin Eurasian
The difference between Somalian and sri lankans is that somalians descent from Europeans while south Indians desccend from Eurasians
The ancestors of the 10,000(brown) Arabs and Indians came from Central Asia 10,000 years ago due to the global warming
10 000 year brown skin Eurasian(Indian)

The ancestors of the 5000(yellow) Arabic and Indian came from the same region 5000 years ago.
5000 years Eurasian

The ancestors of the 5000(yellow) Asians came from Siberia(which was not covered by ice and explains the dark hair) 5000 years ago.

The same goes on for the 2500 years.
Typical Eurasian dark hair and white skin

Eurasian ancestor of over 3 billion people
Take him and turn him yellow, brown and grey  and
you get arabic, Indian, Sri lankan

Different levels of pigmentation based on the exposure of generations to the sunlight through thousand years.
"white skin" not pigmented yet(either blond or original eurasian)

2500 years

5000 years

10,000 years

20 000 years

over 40 000 years(many layers covering the skin)

When individuals have straight hair it just means that their occupation in the warm area is recent(less than 20,000 years old) but kinky hair reveals a long dwelling in a warm climate.
African people(not including nilotic) lived in Africa for more than 40 000 years but some of them never left Africa(the Khoisan).
So more than 70% of the world population descend from those who migrated from Central Asia which explains the few genetic variations among them. It is the result of waves of migrations that exploded over time. The demographics in these ancient times were very slow. Some communities didn't die out from these new invaders as they were isolated in islands that were formed when the ocean level rose 10,000 years. Others live in remote areas and unreachable mountains. The 10,000 years  ago cataclysm was one of the biggest in history as it affected many ecosystems. The megafauna of Eurasia and North America almost went extinct. We can still appreciate the megafauna in caves in Europe. We can see the bulls, cows, hyenas...

Hunting deers:Deer could be as far as
in France and this area was in some way covered
with toundra)

So Today we are only left with the ice adaptations(Scandinavia), middle (brown and red hair) 2500, 5000, 10 000 and 20,000(represents the years spent in warm climates with variations due to humidity) Eurasian and European adaptation(Somalian, Arabic Indian, Southeast Asia...) desert adaptations(Sudanese), forest adaptation(pygmy very diverse) and last human specimen(Khoisan).

Why do we have dogs? Human is a new race and bipedy is still new thus slow. Humans can travel long distances but no longer use arms to grasps branches but tools. Because of their slow motion humans use stones to reach prey(antelope, bull...). With time they were able to straighten those stones and also make them aerodynamic using a stick(spears). Humans do not run after the prey, they use surprise, traps or if they can't follow the game they use dogs. Dogs were used to hunt games and dogs hunt in packs(wolves,wild dogs, lions) small animals hunt bigger animals in pack. Single animal hunts normal sized prey alone.(leopard, cat, cheetah, coyotes) It's easy to domesticate an animal, just take it when it''s young. Childhood is the period in mammals that corresponds to the acquisition of personality. Everything a child learns becomes inscribed into him. A Chinese who grew up in Sweden will act typically like a Swedish. Once the child becomes adult he will just act from the culture he grew up and will never change no matter cultures he will live in in his life. The same go for domesticated animals.

Humans are supposed to live in communities where men hunt and women gather. The difference in role is still present in modern behavior this is what explains sexual dimorphism. Humans are supposed to live in territories where they dwell in one small part once the resources are finished they move again and move again, there is plenty of time for the old sites to regenerate. When climatic changes are global, they completely leave the place and invade others and exterminate the original inhabitants.

Humans use vocal communication because they do not telepathically communicate and humans use technology because of their physical impairment. Human is a new race and uses tool for the functions that the human body doesn't allow however humans are designed to use spiritual capacities which encompass technology. This is the reason for humane existence which was suppressed.
The use of fire: Fire has different uses including the good smell and feeling provided by smoke which gave rise to superstitions related to a mysterious world or a higher sate of consciousness only accessible to the initiates. Today we know the real effects of drugs and tobacco on the brain.

As mentioned above, human variations are environmental but also due to diet, disease and the extraterrestrial DNA that was given. Some humans have grey DNA others have reptilian DNA. Most Africans including Bantu and West Africans have extraterrestrial DNA(Humans are mostly hybrid between extraterrestrials and primates.)
We give further details on the differences in morphological traits among humans here: The origin of human physical differences
It is normal that some people look like hippo others like rats or dogs it is just a feature that appear in many species. So saying that someone looks like a mouse is inaccurate, mice and that person belong to that same pattern.
Summary: Blond hair white skin=ice, Black hair white skin=temperate regions, Brown hair, red hair=Blond hair who are turning dark hair due to icy turning temperate.

Bonus: The reason for leopard spots is a strategy to give the prey the feeling of passing out. The appearance of the moving spots on the leopard completely blend with the warm air around and the prey becomes disoriented.

Anonymous joke of the day: In Winter, trees are literally dead. Winter is about death and Spring is about rebirth. When we see those trees without leaves they are no more alive. A single variation in temperate will bring those trees back to life.

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