Saturday 20 April 2013

I Fucking Love Science Facebook Page and science-related tattoos

I Fucking Love Science Page is a page run by a Woman, sorry a scientist Woman sorry a scientist named Elise Andrews who lives in Canada and is actually of a British origin.
"Wow, it's a girl!!"
 The thing about this page is that she was shocked that her fans were shocked about the fact that she was a woman. She appeared on TV news for that reason. Elise Andrews is the admin of the I Fucking Love Science who, according to her, works in a lab but still have plenty of time to post pictures every second and block some random creationists and religious trolls. She doe the same on her Earth story page and Science is Awesome page(Which is a duplicate of the main page) furthermore she is active on her Facebook account and reads a lot of articles related to StarTalk and Bill Nye. Her page is about lamenting about how Pluto was dismissed as a planet, about making jokes on"Physics go home you are drunk", Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes, pictures of dead or alive Schrödinger cat, jokes about T-rex who can't do thing without his arms, pictures of nasty fingers nails holding weird creatures, new found exoplanets in this week in science, talking about how the universe is infinitely huge and how we are infinitely meaningless, reposting the same joke of the gravity of the situation, science-related artifact, Saint Valentine post related to Mercury and Hugs...
Those pictures are accompanied with thousands of comments from pseudo intellectuals Facebookers who rant about how science is amazing and how Bill Nye convinced them to choose science and show off their pseudo-knowledge to the rest of the world. Well that's not the point, the thing is The I Fucking Love Science had reached 4.7 million Facebooks users fans and had triggered the interest of young people in Science. In the past, people would do crazy things for money but today people do crazy things for likes on Facebook. The result is that many teenagers and adults around the world tattoo their arms with scientific related figures usually atoms and molecules in order to get a chance of being shared by Elise Andrews and consequently getting thousands of likes. But unfortunately among the thousands of proposals only a dozens are chosen. What happened to those who tattooed for the Facebook Page? Well nothing. They continue the rest of their life with a H20 drawing on their arms and will have to explain to their grandsons that the reason for the tattoo was to have the picture of it being shared by a Facebook page on the 21st of February 2013. "Grandpa, what's Facebook?". The sad truth is that the pictures themselves do not have a single like or a single share. So many people thrown by Lisa Andrews into garbage. Millions of people having their lives destroyed.
self-mutilation encouraged by the I fucking Love science page

No like, no share sorry bro :-(

At least this one got shared


  1. sumatra, are you by any chance 5 years old?

  2. I only came here because of Elise, and I'm never coming back because of you.

    1. i dont know made me feel better about the shit i post. at least i'm not this guy.
      or maybe this is a girl too and we can all start writing misleading articles about him.

  3. Prepare to get attacked by the drones that follow her.

    Isn't it fun getting self-righteous assholes to attack you for stating an opinion?

    I liked this article, great work with it.

    1. be honest you are the writer aren't you. backing yourself up on a guest account :-) lol

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ms Andrews just got your blog Hella views.

  6. Did your sciency related tattoo get ignored? - Is that why you are upset?

  7. I just think it is funny that you think if anyone gets a science tattoo it is in response to a facebook page.
    Yes grandson i got an H2o atom tattooed on my foot to get on a post. and now i am forced to know what water looks like forever. oh dear oh dear.
    people have been getting those tattoos for some time and will in the future. i'm sure people just saw it and became copy cats because in the world of tattoos thats what happens.

  8. Well, it's super obvious that you should invest in english comp. classes, or just hang yourself with your keyboard wire.

    Definitely take up a new hobby that gets you some more attention, because this is clearly not fulfilling the need you have.

    If anyone knows this douche-bag shit-talker personally, Beat him with a dictionary, feed him a scrabble set and see is he shits out a more appropriate sentence than he types for his blog.


  9. And now i bet he is having a trollgasm in his basement because he just got posted on her secondary site. thus becoming one of the people he is criticizing.
    What about all those people who write blogs so they can get it posted on her page.
    Grandson i wasted allot of time on a silly blog and now i don't even have a tattoo.

    1. You are very, very funny Chris! Trollgasm lol.

  10. Hello. I have a tattoo of a bubble chamber on my wrist. Amazingly I did NOT do it for Facebook likes. I did not do it for show. I did it because I wanted to inspire myself as I go through my undergraduate studies in the fields of mechanical engineering and physics. Pictures of science-related body art on science-related pages, websites or other means of communication is not evidence that the tattoo was gotten for that purpose.

    The unfortunate thing is that there are a lot of people like you out there, and the rest of the population is forced to co-exist with you and your self-rituous bigotry.

  11. So yet again we are forced to deal with another self-righteous loud mouth that has jumped into the accusatory scape-goat shenanigans that most of this country just loves to be a part of. Every person is accountable for their own actions, stop blaming Facebook, Twitter, TMZ, Xbox or any other ridiculous source for influencing society in a way you do not care for. You must be at least 18 or have your guardian present when getting a tattoo, so we are talking about adults... Adults who have the right to vote, to enlist in the military, drive a car, get married, buy a house, travel the world, have babies etc... If these adults watched Jersey Shore and decided they wanted a spray tanned face, bleached teeth and big hair, who are you to say any different? You are no one, and have no right to assume to know these people and the reasoning behind their tattoos even if it was just for a like on Facebook. If someone was stupid enough to do for FB then let them be accountable for their actions and stay out of it!!!

  12. Personally I think this guy is really funny. I like the one sentence summary of her page, and the way that it doesn't matter what her name is (Lisa, Elise what's the difference really).

    On the other hand, if this isn't cleverly crafted satire, I guess we can still be thankful that this idiot has spent a good chunk of time compiling photos of people with shite tats ( no disrespect to those with decent scientific tattoos; Bubble chamber one sounds decent).

    Either way, I had fun.

  13. What a pointless blog. What are you so bitter about? Elise has done something fantastic that is recognised and appreciated by literally millions of people all over the world, whereas you have achieved... this. Not so impressive. How about aspiring to greater heights rather than trying to drag others down to your unambitious level.

  14. "Oh, I don't feel good. I think I'm gonna... I think I'm gonna BL.... ugh.... BL.... bl... BLoGGGGG BBBLLLog Oh gross. Sorry."

    Hey, next time, do this in a toilet, OK?

  15. Pseudo Intellectuals? You're one to talk...

  16. OMG How dare you attack our hero, our Goddess of Science, our free thinking woman! I am also part of the Elise Andrew Delusion, and although I did not read nor understand what you wrote in your blog, I'm here to attack the hell outta you because Elise posted this link! Shame on you!

  17. Maybe the owner of this blog can check out the following site and all those who 'fucking love science' can hookup at

