Thursday 7 April 2011

English is such a Poor language

English is the language spoken in England and later in Great Britain before spreading to the rest of the world through centuries of colonization and becoming now the Universal language of the World.

United Nations Flag

English belongs to Indo-European language and belongs to the Germanic branch. Due to the Roman civilization, French contact and later Spanish contact in America. English is Actually the result of a mixture between Germanic languages including Dutch, German, Finnish.., Latin, Greek and French.

To learn English, People just have to know some Germanic construction, French words and scientific Latin and Greek terms.
Union Jack

During its History English faced various changes from the Roman conquest and Latin introduction, Viking exploration from Northern freezy coastlines, French wars (including the Hundred Years War) from the Middle Age to the the XIII Century The Islands were even called Great Britain from the name of Bretagne(Britain) region in France(Brittany Peninsula) and numerous conflicts overseas in the Americas until Quebec become the only French Region in North America. In the New World, Contacts wit the "Savages" added New words to English language to name the new things Settlers discovered :Rivers, houses, Animals, trees, places..And War for Mexican territories gave Spanish ton to the New English of America.

Old map of the Americas

Common names for Germanic languages:

       English:I, good, boat, go, come, find, hound, hold, see, red, in, out, day ,road, new, war, god, sun, shoot,snow, door, water, road, wild, what? thank, hear,white, ice,horse, car, sleep, man, bridge, summer, dream, skull, flag, cow, eat, field, two, side, kid, old, king, low, hind, speak (or tell), wolf, year, late, open, stand, hot(warm), under, when, seed, hog, fox, most,milk, egg, the, off, hair, bring, die, star, knee, queen, an, wall, sand, earth, take
     German: ich, gut, boot, gehen, kommen, finden, hund, halten, sehen, rot, in, out, dag, neue,_, gott, sonne, schieben, schnee, tur, wasser,_,wild, was? danke, horen. weib, eis, pferd, auto, schalfen, mann, brucke, sommer, traum schadel, flagge, kuh, essen, feld, zwei, seite, kind, alt, konig,_,_,sprechen, wolf, jahr,_,offen, stehn, heib, under, wenn, saatgut,_,fuchs, meisten, milch, eier, die, aus, haare, bringen,_, stern, knie, queen, ein, wand, sand, erde,_
        Dutch: ik, goede, boot, ga, kom, hond, hold,  zie, rood, in, uit, land, dag, weg, nieuw, oorlog, god, zon, schieten, sneeuw, deur, water, weg, wild, wat, dank, hoor, houd, wit, ijs, paard, auto, slaap, dag, man, brug, zomer, droom, schedel, vlag, koe, eten, veld, twee, opzij, kind, oud, koning, laag, achter, spreken, wolf jaar, laat, open, staan, heet, onder, wanneer, zaad, varken, vos, de meeste, melk, ei, de, uit, haren, brengen, sterven, ster, knie, koningin, een, muur, zand, aarde.
       Danish: jeg, god, bad, ga, kom, find, hund, hold, se, rod, ind, ud, jord, dag, vej, nye, krig, gud, sol, skyde, sne, dor, vand, vej, vilde, hvad? tak, hore, hvid, is, hest, bil, sove, mand, bridge, sommer, dromme, kranium, flag, ko, spise, felt, to, side, knaegt,_, konge, lav, hind, taler, ulv, ar, sent, aben, stativ, varm, under,_,_,hog,_, fleste, melk, egg, det, off, har, bringe, dor, stjerne, knae, dronning, en, vaeg, sand, jord, tage. 
Norwegian: jeg, gode, bat, ga, komme, finn, hund, hold, se, rod, inn, ut, land, dag, vei, vill, hva? takk, hore, hold, hvit, is, hest, bil, sove, mann, bro, sommer, drom, skallen, flagg, ku,_, felt, to, side, kid,_, konge, lav, hind, snakker, ulv, ar, sent, apen, stativ, varm, under,_,_, hog,_, fleste, melk, egg, det, off, har, bringe, dor, stjerne, kne, dronning, en, vegg, sand, jord, ta.
    Swedish: jag, bra, bat, ga, kom, hitta, hund, halla, se, rod, in, ut, dag, vag, vag, nya,_, gud, sol, skjuta, sno,  dorr, vatten,_, vilda, vad? tack, hora, halla, vit, is, hast, bil, sova, dag, man, bro, sommar, drom, skalle, flagga, ko, ater, falt, tva, sida,_,_,kung, lag, hind,_, varg, ar, sent, oppna, sta, varm, under,_._,_,_, flesta, mjolk, agg, det, off, har, ge, do, stjarna, kna, drottning, en, vagg, sand, jorde, ta. 
    Icelandic: eg, gott, bat, fara, koma, finna, hound, halda, sjarauoa, raour, i, ut, dagur, vega, ny,_, guo, sol, skjota, snjor, dyr, vatn,_, viltur hvao? pakka, heyram haltu,, hvitur, is, hestur, bill, sofa, maour, bru, sumar, draumur, hofuokupa, fana,  boroa, svioi, tveir, hilo, krakki,_, konungur, lag, hind,  tala, ulfur, ar, seint, opna, standa, heirr, undir,_,_,_, mest, mjolk, egg, a, burt, har, feyja, stjarna, hne, drottning,_,_, sandur, joro, taka.

 Northern Europe

We can notice that the language is the same except for the writing but the pronunciation varies a bit due to the Christianization and Roman alphabet to write and read Bible and Scientific books. We just have to know that Accent betrays an Ancient language. This explain the variety of accent found in the various Germanic languages nowadays. many Languages in Europe died during the Germanic conquests. Some survived: The Basque in the Franco-Spanish border is a unique language. Irish is apart. Finnish brought some influence to the Scandinavian Peninsula. Sami are still living in Finland and use their own language, and owned reindeers. The Germanic language also spread during the Viking exploration in the Eastern Coasts including The Islands of the United Kingdom and Ireland and they could later successfully colonize the Island of Iceland, the Land of Ice and Fire. Their journey on the North Atlantic brought them to a Northern island of forest and green landscapes. Greenland before the New Little Ice Era(Little Ice Age) that started in the 16th century to the 1800's which was a period of Hunger, Cold and these old forests disappeared in Iceland and Greenland. They continued their Journey to the Canadian Coast where they landed on the NewFoundLand and Labrador. A long tine before the Vikings, Nordic People invaded the unkown areas of Europe before continuing out of Europe in Asia. They spread their civilization, languages, religions..They are known as "Aryans" in India where they are the founder of the Indus civilization and Hindu Religion. They brought the Swastika symbol, a Religion symbol of living beings Interaction. Their descendent are still found in the area where they traveled. Blond hair, a light skin and sometimes blue eyes are the features of some knights and villagers in Iran, Pakistan, India. From this time grew the Indo-European Language Family.


As the Roman civilization grew and met Christianization. The Imperium spread over the neighbouring regions and farther. Wars started in the present-day France with the Gallic(Gaule) before winning and bringing the Roman Civlization. Winyards started to be grown, Roman architecture was found through the New Romnan territory and the Pagans out there found had to speak the Latin language and be Christianized. Roman Civilization brought complex Science, knowledge, Histrory, Numbers. The achievement of thousands years of Mediterraenan Civilization and even North African inculding the Egyptian one. Greeks brought their knozwledge in the Mathematiques which are still used now. The Roma Empire extended to the Islands overseas. Catholicism was brought and a Great wall(made of stones: Hadrian's Wall) accross the whole country was built by the Romans and is still standing now. Latin was from these dates to the Medieval Era written in Latin as the Mass and scientific Books. Later, Saxons, Vikings and other Pagans met the Christian Stream. The Books the Education was allowed for a few number of people. King Charlemagne in France made the Education(School) obligatory and for everyone. Pagan traditions could still survive through these eras and centuries: witches were burnt and considered as devils. Which hunts till continued in America when a witch trial series occured in 18th Essex, Suffolk and MiddleSex, Massachussetts former Colony, United States.

Some added Latin words to English heritage:

science, yes, for, of, orange, North, by, family, system, millennium, century, vacuum, referendum, free, dense, census, change, symbol, book, map, urban, satellite, phrase, verb, santa, include, maximum, minimum, podium, aluminium, dominium, calcium, sodium, potassium, de facto, recto, verso, versus, game, cycle, super, images, medicine, muscle, ball, circus, site, ethnic, ethic, song, soccer, current, post mortem,

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